Friday, August 29, 2008

Blank decoration

its empty

hanya unggas yg bernyanyi..
pada malam yg bintang nya tiada..

just trying 2 find pict 4 de next post..
due 2 my current situation..
its hard for me 2 post blog...
(hidup menumpang di pc amar)
waitin for my abah 2 give budget 2 buy new pc..
waitin is like killing me softly..

back in bisnes.....

just listening 2 a song dat make me think a bit.
i've been asked by one of my fren (who r deeply in love)..'why love hurt??'
GOSh!!!soalan maut tu....2 tell the truth i dunno y..bcos im not in love..hahahah..
love is give pleasure but it hurting u gradually..( ayat farid kamil ni..)
each of them no matter guy or girl, they wish 2 have a perfect match..but no body perfect..
n then i listen to a song that can answer the question..

Kau boleh acuhkan diriku
Dan anggap ku tak ada
Tapi takkan merubah perasaanku

Kuyakin pasti suatu saat
Semua kan terjadi
Kau kan mencintaiku
Dan tak akan pernah melepasku

Aku mau mendampingi dirimu
Aku mau cintai kekuranganmu
Selalu bersedia bahagiakanmu
Apapun terjadi
Kujanjikan aku ada

Kau boleh jauhi diriku
Namun kupercaya
Kau kan mencintaiku
Dan tak akan pernah melepasku

Aku mau mendampingi dirimu
Aku mau cintai kekuranganmu
Aku yang rela terluka
Untuk mu selalu

as the baby says.."aku mau susu"

when did it start..

thinkin about it, inever write about me i decide 2 write bout it..
in indoneisi mode..(buat acha..)

nama gw reddu..umur gw gak bgitu muda..gak bgitu tua..20 taun..gak suka sama rokok..ngisap atau itu orgnya biasa aja..gak ada yang istimewa ttg gw..tiada yg punya minat sama fotografi..jika ada gadis atau camera di depan mata, nescaya gw akan pilih camera.(namun kalau gadis itu acha gw pilih dia dong) punya minat sama foto gak tau bila muncul nya..suka itu datang tiba2..kayak cinta yg berkuntum tiada baja..(ayat apaan nih..).. gw mula cinta pada foto pada saat pertama gw mliat org ngambil foto..eyh..apaan maksudnya??gini deyh..dihari pernikahan kakak gw 3 taun lps, gw mliat jurufoto kakak gw itu cool skali..ebat do ang..hasil foto nya lumayan deyh..mula saat itu gw coba tuk carik ilmu foto deyh..blajar sendiri dong..gak ada yg ingin mula ngumpul uwang deyh..mau aja minat ttg gak ada cemera nya..gmana bli camera pertama T-5.slim cybershot..keren gitu..abis uang gw..gila gw puas.kerna udah punya camera.. tp puas itu skjap gw udah jd hak milik kakak gw..waduh.sedih..sekarang gw hnya guna camera org laen deyh..emangnya gak puas kerna itu camera org laen..bkn camera gak udah nekad mau bli camera ternyata dari apa yg gw fikirin, foto itu yg cantek bkn hadir dr camera yg mahal, tp dr insan yg btul2 punya perasaan yg ingin mengabadikan saat itu selamanya..

hasil foto gw dr sony T-5 yg udah bukan milik gw.
nurse...owh gak tau siapa kamu ini..ternyata keindahanmu telah menarik hati ku..
gak bisa difoto dket2..zoom aja dong..gak silap gw d pesta jom eboh..

tunggul batu ini mmg kesepian.

kaki itu amat penat deyh..(kaki gw sendiri)..seharian bjln d mid valley..
dan ini pengubat hati nephew..untung aja dia tdur..jika buka matanya ribut satu dunia..

gak ada ayat yg bisa diungkap tuk bercrita perihal dunia yg indah
hanya bisa diliat dan dirasa
trima kasih pada yg Menciptakan
it worth thousand words..

-end of this chapter-

(penat deyh bicara bahsa puitis..)
gw bkn indonisi pak..ampun pak..jgn ditgkap sy ini pak polisi...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

...........siaran tergendala............

late nite..
early mornig..
still thinkin wat shud i post??

just found a website that can make u think u r popular..
kind of funny n fun though..
try it..

no pict for this chapter..just try this link...

love diary...

August 2006..

2 years ago..
my eyes was stucked with an amazing creation..
first time my heart beat so hard..
n i dunno y is dat happening..
in the same time my friend, naem have the same feeling bout her..
both of try 2 win her..after spending a lot money (to be exact 3 thousand..) at last she's mine..with all care, i look at her evry nite n day..
never got bored..

july 2007..

11 month of our relationship..
on one nite..i try 2 wake her up..
but she never opened her eyes..
i got panic..she's so sick..
will she leave me? bring her 2 meet
the specialist..let them diagnose her..
tell me wat goes wrong..2 weeks later..the specialist said..
'dia x apa2..just got tired..just dont make her 2 work hard ok..'
fuhh..lega...she's ok..i'm sorry sayang 2 make u work so hard nite n day for my sake..

August 2007..

she getting better..
i'm glad she still with me..
she's back from treatment.. so glad..
i'll give all of my care 2 u..
we getting along each day..

December 2007..

i hurt her..
sorry dear..
i didnt meant 2 make u hurt..
i didnt want 2..yet i stil hurt u..
that day still shadowing me..
the day u slip from my arm n fall..
n make u hurt..n u never awake..
just like last time..i'm panic..
i dunno wat 2 do..i bring u 2 speacialist one more..
ur disease come back..
i spend hundred of ringgit 2 make u awake again..
i never care how much cash flow..
as long as u r still with me..
2 month i leave u in pain..
n my life feel sorrow..
then u recover..
thnx god..relieve..

August 2008..

2 years u have been with me..
all joy n fun we share 2gether..
u cheer me up..
u here with me 24/7..
but me never know wat ur thought..
wat ur feel..
never care much of u..
day by day u just got hurt..
but in front of me u always look good..
but me never realize u cracking inside..
til dat that..ur ill come n strike again..
y must u have been taken away from..
y u?y not me..y let her suffer most..
till this second..
i still dunno how r u..
r u doin fine?u'll be back in 2 weeks.
but i cant never stand seeing u hurt each day by bcos of me..

now i realize..
i'm the one who shud go away..
stay away from u..let u go.
i cant bare 2 c u hurting..
let me walk away out of your life this time..

goodbye miss presario..

p/s: anyone who want her can contact me..harga bleh runding..

Mr dayat:wei wan..bla nak ltak gamba baru??

just now dayat ask me..waa..nggak sabar deyh..
actualy me still finding foto 2 be share with..
dat suitable for all ages 2 see it..(UMUM)

here some recent foto dat have been capture..
with using samsung camera..(dayat cakap ni camera kelab punya..
aku pakai la..)

ekspedisi mengejar langit..
Sang pengejar langit..meniti desir pasir untuk mencapai satu yang pasti tidak akan menjadi miliknya..thx to the model..

Model: tin kosong yang bernamaF&N Iced Cream
Location: atas batu keras
Caption: rintihan seorang tin..'mengapa sendirian aku berdiri di ratusan keras nya batu ini..tiadanya makna wujudnya aku..tiadakah yang melihat..

jalan sang pengejar langit..dimana penghujung jalan ini??

daunan itu berguguran jatuh..inikah pengakhiran?atau hanya gimik..yang penting idea sudah tepu..tiada lagi yang bisa terungkap..

-end of this chapter-

p/s:mntk ampun yat..hahahha..

Monday, August 25, 2008

asignment oh asignment...

bored..a lot of asignments..well..students life la..u know i know la..
never be interesting..haks..
"wei..asignment gas system ko dah siap k wan??"nice question to ask..siap??
how can it be siap..i haven start anything yet..assignmnt that given last month by
miss zubaidah before she go honeymoon for her newly wed..congratulation 2 her..

happy birthday..
to our beloved country..
for keeping peace..

about august..
for sumone who r born in august probably a Leo..
sharing things bout leo..leo..king..dats obviously known..
LEO - The Lion
Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Knows how to
have fun Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Unpredictable.
Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long
relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find.
Good when found. dominating is their interest..
for some leo i known, some of these folowing r very true..haks..
but never trust it so much..fortunately im a scorpio..hahah..

happy birthday for my beloved..

father daTO' sri bujang..55 on this coming 31th august..thnx abah..
sister nurfahara..just turn 23 on 20 august..n waiting for her graduation as chemist
brother firdaus..25 alredy on 10 August..hope he met her love of life..(anyone interested with him just tell me..)
hope u got all the wealth n the health..
may Allah with u..n i love u..

Start the music.....

jengjengjeng i come..moving to blogging not big fan of blogging..yet just want 2 try new things..hahah..still in my thought..why am i blogging??

few day ago..
Dayat:wan..create la blog..leh jd contibutor..
Wan:ahh..kalau aku nak wat blog pun aku nak solo j..xnk jd contributor..haha..

suddenly something come up..talkin by my blog..wahh great idea..
since im crazy bout phography..hakhak..dats a lil bit bout how icame up with this blog..
hoping dat this can be platform 2 sharpen my skils n knowledge bout photographic..

dunia laYang-laYang..
this small blog name..y??cos i like laYang-laYang..silly huh..act that is my favourite quote..
laYang-laYang can fly up high in sky..but not freely bcos its bond with the string..n need the wind 2 blow it up away..
with all pride n proud it fly n forget about the land..but when the string no longer attached(bahasa kejuruteraan..wakakakaka) the kite will be blown away 2 nowhere
until fall to the ground again..(but if it got stuck on tree laen crita la..)..that is the samething in our lifetime..
we can move live, move, do, or whatever we want cos we have been given opportunity by the the same time there is a guide which lead us..but when we forgot
who gives us all the gifts..we break the bond with the Great..n we will lost in life..

(ceramah agama beb..)

let the journey of laYang-laYang begin..
enjoy thousand words from a photo..

p/s: to my competitor, mr dyat..Acha is mine..hahah