our environment.. i dun understand y people still lack of 'responsibilities'..still buang the sampah merata-rata...n one more..pls2 'jimat air'...hahaha.. everyday,esp the girls la owez membazir air,they didn't tutup the paip properly..huhu..but when no water..walaweh...owez nag..
I'm a donkey from spain who loves to eat strawberries. ok, so im not a donkey, and i'm not from spain either, but i do love strawberries. they're very nice. but honestly, i'd rather be an animal that flies. Maybe....dunno. *shrug* mmms. ok i don't know what i am. i'm just me.
alamak wan tadi kelas pci aku lupa buang cawan kertas nescafe itu...
terlalu khusyuk dengar lecture Dr. Khadum...
ado yat..apsal x buang..x gna la ltak tong smph klau ko x buang..
sayangi alam sekitar.. our environment.. i dun understand y people still lack of 'responsibilities'..still buang the sampah merata-rata...n one more..pls2 'jimat air'...hahaha.. everyday,esp the girls la owez membazir air,they didn't tutup the paip properly..huhu..but when no water..walaweh...owez nag..
apakah skemanya ktk tok wan..ahahaha.comel2...
ya..glad u hve same opinion wif me..
bkn skema..tpprihatin..akekek
ared ni tong sampah ka?
kenapa warna dia ijau?
kenapa nama dia tong sampah?
ijau itu comel..
tp tong sampah iniu lah ijau yg plng comel..antaara smua ijau kat sini..
Larr.. tong sampah rupanya..
Aku igtkan dayat pakai baju ijau dia td dok kat taman.. ish3x..
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