Thursday, February 26, 2009


masa ini mereka malu2..
masa ini mereka tidak kenal siapa2..
masa ini mereka nmpak baek..
masa ini mereka nmpak skema..
masa ini mereka sentiasa tersenyum
masa ini..masa mula2 mereka bertemu..

mereka sudah x malu2
mereka sudah kenal
pembaek dan penjahat sudah dikenal pasti
xda lg yg skema
senyum ketawa marah sedih geram
dan mengutuk adalah hobi bersama
sekarang..3 tahun lps bertemu..

lihat sahaja gambar2 itu.
sudah tahu siapa yang penjahat dan yang pembaik
tiang biru belakang itu bkn mimi.hahahah

Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything...

special post for kelas 3 pelangi
(laskar pelangi versi bkg ni..)

Friday, February 20, 2009


Red is any of a number of similar colors evoked by light consisting predominantly of the longest wavelengths of light discernible by the human eye, in the wavelength range of roughly 625–740 nm. Red makes the heart beat faster. Red has guts .... deep, strong, dramatic. Red is associated with love, warmth, and comfort. Red is also considered an intense, color that creates feelings of excitement or intensity.

aku suka merah..nama aku pun Red..apa benda merah aku suka..

kecuali darah (Hemophobia)..

belalang tempur merah

so..what color are u??

tagged udik....

aim yg kejam...brani tagged beta sick with this thing..

List these rules on your blog.

* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
* Tell 7 unspectacular quirks of yours.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Link the person who tagged you.
* Leave a comment for each blogger.

Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.

* aku seorang lelaki..100% lelaki..fakta benar.
* aku anak kepada mak ngn abah aku..fakta benar.
* aku masih single.xda gerek.available.fakta benar.
* aku suka smua pusak ku da mati.sbb xda org jaga.sbb mak ku gago jg anak buah ku.fakta benar.
* aku x suka marah.aku suka tetak.fakta benar
* aku suka camera.fakta benar
* aku udah miskin.fakta benar.

Tell 7 unspectacular quirks of yours.

* aku suka garuk palak
* aku suka ngosok mata
* aku suka megang tlinga aku
* aku beli apa2 barang aku pegang
* aku pemalu..(ketawa akekekeke)
* aku selalu knak migrain
* aku senang boring

Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

mak aji

Link the person who tagged you.


Leave a comment for each blogger.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

renungan hari ini....

jangan cuba2 bermain dengan api
jangan menyimpan dendam dan hasad dengki
jangan ditegak benang yg basah
jangan percaya tanpa usul periksa
jangan di impi benda yg mustahil
jangan bandingkan emas dan arang
jangan bergurukan buku sahaja
jangan menjadi Majnun yg gilakan Laila
jangan pernah berjanji jika tiada niat untuk menepati
jangan senyum jika marah
jangan dibiar lidah menikam hati
jangan lupa merenung kembali diri kita..

i am sorry for being rude which i am not.....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Maju Gemilang Antarabangsa

what ever people say about it..
i dont care..
because I am proud to be one of it..
love UMP...
but i love KUKTEM more..

p/s: akibat dari kedemaman dan ke'tension'an wujud la post ini..

Monday, February 16, 2009

tong sampah

adik2..ini tong sampah...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

tagged lagik,.,

rules :
- pick your birth month .
- strike out anything that doesn't apply you .
- bold (italicize) the best apply to you .
- copy to your own blog , with all twelve months .
- tag 10 people .

or , you can just do like this .

blue : yup . that's me .
green : ya meh ?
pink : not me .

my month is

NOVEMBER : has a lot of ideas . difficult to fathom . thinks forward . unique and brilliant . extraordinary ideas . sharp thinking . fine and strong clairvoyance . can become good doctors . dynamic in personality . secretive . inquisitive . knows how to dig secrets . always thinking . less talkative but amiable . brave and generous . patient . stubborn and heart - hearted . if there is a will , there is a way . determined . never give up . hardly becomes angry unless provoked . loves to be alone . thinks differently from others . sharp - minded . motivates oneself . does not appreciate praises . high - spirited . well - built and tough . deep love and emotions . romantic . uncertain in relationship . homely . hardworking . high abilities . trustworthy . honest and keeps secrets . not able to control emotions . unpredictable .

JANUARY : stubborn and hard - hearted . ambitious and serious . loves to teach and be taught . always looking at people's flaws and weakness . likes to criticize . hardworking and productive . smart , neat and organized . sensitive and has deep thoughts . knows how to make others happy . quiet unless excited or tensed . rather reserved . highly attentive . resistant to illness but prone to colds . romantic but has difficulties expressing love . love children . loyal . has great social abilities yet easily jealous . very stubborn and mony cautious .

FEBRUARY : abstract thoughts . loves reality and abstract . intelligent and cleaver . changing personality . attractive . sexy . temperamental . quiet , shy and humble . honest and loyal . determined to reach goals . loves freedom . rebellious when restricted . loves aggressiveness . too sensitive and easily hurt . gets angry really easily but does not show it . dislikes unnecessary things . loves making friend but rarely shows it . daring and stubborn . ambitious . realizes dreams and hopes . sharp . loves entertainment and leisure . romantic on the inside not outside . superstitious and ludicrous . spendthrift . tries to learn to show emotions .

MARCH : attractive personality . sexy . affectionate . shy and reserved . secretive . naturally honest , generous and sympathetic . loves peace and serenity . sensitive to others . loves to serve others . easily angered . trustworthy . appreciative and returns kindness . observant and assesses others . revengeful . loves to dream and fantasize . loves traveling . loves attention . hasty decisions in choosing partners . loves home decors . musically talented . loves special things . moody .

APRIL : active and dynamic . decisive and hasty but tends to regret . attractive and affectionate to oneself . strong mentality . loves attention . diplomatic . consoling , friendly and solves people's problems . brave and fearless . adventurous . loving and caring . suave and generous . emotional . aggressive . hasty . good memory . moving . motivates oneself and others . sickness usually of the head and chest . sexy in a way that only their lover can see .

MAY : stubborn and hard - hearted . strong - willed and highly motivated . sharp thought . easily angered . attracts others and loves attention . deep feelings . beautiful physically and mentally . firm standpoint . need no motivation . easily consoled . systematic ( left brain ) . loves to dream . strong clairvoyance . understanding . sickness usually in the ear and neck . good imagination . good physical . weak breathing . loves literature and arts . love traveling . dislike being at home . restless . not having many children . hardworking . high spirited . spendthrift .

JUNE : thinks far with vision . easily influenced by kindness . polite and soft - spoken . having ideas . sensitive . active mind . hesitating , tends to delay . choosy and always wants the best . temperamental . funny and humorous . loves to jokes . good debating skills . talkative . daydreamer . friendly . knows how to make friends . able to show character . easily hurt . prone to getting colds . loves to dress up . easily bored . fussy . seldom shows emotions . takes time to recover when hurt . brand conscious . executive . stubborn .

JULY : fun to be with . secretive . difficult to fathom and to be understood . quiet unless excited or tensed . takes pride in oneself . has reputation . easily consoled . honest . concerned about people's feelings . tactful . friendly . approachable . emotional temperamental and unpredictable . moody and easily hurt . witty and sparkly . not revengeful . forgiving but never forgets . dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things . guides others physically and mentally . sensitive and forms impressions carefully . caring and loving . treats others equally . strong sense of sympathy . wary and sharp . judges people through observation . hardworking . no difficulties in studying . loves to be alone . always broods about the past and the old friends . likes to be quiet . homely person . waits for friends . never looks for friends . not aggressive unless provoked . prone to having stomach and dieting problems . loves to be loved . easily hurt but takes long to recover .

AUGUST : loves to joke . attractive . suave and caring . brave and fearless . firm and has leadership qualities . knows how to console others . too generous and egoistic . takes high pride in onself . thirsty for praises . extraordinary spirit . easily angered . angry when provoked . easily jealous . observant . careful and cautious . thinks quickly . independent thoughts . loves to lead and to be led . loves to dream . talented in arts , music and defense . romantic . loving and caring . loves to make friends .

SEPTEMBER : suave and compromising . careful , cautious and organized . likes to point out people's mistakes . likes to criticize . stubborn . quiet but able to talk well . calm and cool . kind and sympathetic . concerned and detailed . loyal but not always honest . does work well . confident . sensitive . good memory . clever and knowledgeable . loves to look for information . must control oneself when criticizing . able to motive oneself . understanding . fun to be around . secretive . love leisure and traveling . hardly shows emotions . tends to bottle up feelings . very choosy , especially in relationships . systematic .

OCTOBER : loves to chat . loves those who loves them . loves to take things on the center . inner and physically beauty . lies but doesn't pretend . gets angry often . treats friends importantly . always making friends . easily hurt but recovers easily . daydreamer . opinionated . does not care of what others think . emotional . decisive . strong clairvoyance . loves to travel , the arts of literature . touchy and easily jealous . concerned . loves outdoors . just and fair . spendthrift . easily influenced . easily loses confidence . loves children .

NOVEMBER : has a lot of ideas . difficult to fathom . thinks forward . unique and brilliant . extraordinary ideas . sharp thinking . fine and strong clairvoyance . can become good doctors . dynamic in personality . secretive . inquisitive . knows how to dig secrets . always thinking . less talkative but amiable . brave and generous . patient . stubborn and heart - hearted . if there is a will , there is a way . determined . never give up . hardly becomes angry unless provoked . loves to be alone . thinks differently from others . sharp - minded . motivates oneself . does not appreciate praises . high - spirited . well - built and tough . deep love and emotions . romantic . uncertain in relationship . homely . hardworking . high abilities . trustworthy . honest and keeps secrets . not able to control emotions . unpredictable .

DECEMBER : loyal and generous . sexy . patriotic . active in games and interactions . impatient and hasty . ambitious . influential in organizations . fun to be with . loves to socialize . loves praises . loves attention . loves to be loved . honest and trustworthy . not pretending . short tempered . changing personality . not egotistic . take high pride in oneself . hates restrictions . loves to joke . good sense of humor . logical .

tagged ppl :
i dun want to seksa2 org laen lg..
let this tag ended here..
or any body one 2 answer r really welcome...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

kakak ijau menagged saya!!!!

I was challenged by masitah the ijau comel somewhat like tagging thingy as well. The challenge is:

  1. Go to your photos folder in your computer.
  2. Go to the 6th folder of photos.
  3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder.

  • Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
  • Invite six friends to join the challenge.
  • Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenge

folder ke enam beta ialah wide wall..fuh..selamat..gamba2 dalam folder ini adalah wallpaper sahaja..
wallpaper yang berukuran 1440x900..(beta punya skrin besa maaa..hahaha)dan gambar ke 6 ialah ini..beta tidak tahu apa ini..beta download dr google maa..tiada apa yangg boleh beta cerita mengenai gambar ini..kerana beta tidak tahu apakah gambar ini sebenarnya...jadi..itu sahaja dari beta..

dan sekarang beta mahu menagged..
#zara aleya..

Monday, February 9, 2009

mirror mirror of the wall..

mirror mirror of the wall..
who is the nerdiest mankind of aLL....

come on mirror answer me..
or i make u into pieces...

Saturday, February 7, 2009


what people do when their been chased...
what people do when they missed something...
what people do when they got scared..
what people do when they cant accept facts...
what people do when they feel guilt..

thats what people do..
if they didnt run..they not people....
they just bunch of monkey swinging from tree to tree..

reports are waiting to be done..
public speaking speech..
test 1...
I CANT RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!haahah..

and lose weight...MUST RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and those legs run to find their life..

Friday, February 6, 2009

Let it go

sometimes life does not goes as we expected..
it will be bored if we can manage our own life trail..
cause there will be no excitement, joy,sad, anger, horror, sorrow...n so on..
that's what life really meant to be..

but when life not as bright as sunshine..
"life sucks..i hate this isnt fair with me..blablabla.."
that words will pop out easily from their tongue..
(golongan ini memang suka menyedut..)

Let it go will be bright again..
too long i have been hold on to things i don't deserve
and im letting go now..

kaki ku..dan slepa pink itu..
let it go..

thx to slepa pink owner..hahaha