Thursday, October 30, 2008

Silhouettes Art

A view of a object or scene consisting of the outline and a featureless interior, with the silhouette usually being black. Well..this is one more technique in photography..(which i just try it out).. The technique is to shot a view where the object which being focused will just appear black instead of any expression or color..ouch..what am i sayin..easy word..the whole shot look like it??hohho..the key is playing with the exposure..meter and lock the exposure..with low intensity of light..kind a hard to some of my poor shot of silhouettes....

with a sunset background

with a dawn background

p/s:kalau tgok dari nama mmg macam gempak teknik ni..padahal slalu j kta ambik gamba stail cm xtau pun nma dia Silhouettes Art..akekekke..kita main bedal j la..
try it out..
-end of this chapter-


Dyat said...

ooo aku ingatkan silhouettes tu macam pencukur gillete...

Anonymous said...

kire adek beradek la tu yat..

sy@die said...

dr jauh wpun gelap cmne pn..gaya sebatang tiang itu tetap dpt diteka milik siapa..hahahahaha

Redzu said...

tu lamodel2 lam video klip kekaseh ku gelap..wakaka